Friday, October 3, 2014

Editorial Article



             Israel's attack on Gaza, Self-defense or anti-human?

             by Wayne Wang

        The conflicts between Palestine and Israel have become the spotlight for the social media for years. Recently, Israeli army launched series of attacks on Gaza stripe located at the boarder of the coastline area, causing hundreds of Palestinian to lose homes and families. On one hand, there is well equipped and trained Israeli army, on the other hand, there are resistance forces from the Palestine known as the PLA (Palestine liberation army). Although there are resistance forces exist in Palestine, it is the protesters who constantly challenged the Israeli army. Most of the weapons they use include rocks, empty bottles and self-made Molotov. After the Israeli army bombed the UN school the criticizing from the human right organization only intensified. Why is the Israel's attack on Gaza stands out as the one of the most serious event in the history in the Israel-Palestine struggle?

     What the Human Right organization criticize the most is Israel's attitude toward the Palestinian citizens. The striking upon the countless towns and cities only shows the Israeli state is nothing but a merciless and war-like monster. The buildings it shatters and the lives it terminates is growing. An estimation of 1922 Palestinian citizens are killed, and in those numbers there are children. The Israeli official might say that some extreme organizations in Palestine use children and women as human shield (in fact this is the most common excuse for Israel to tell the media whenever they are done with bloodbath).Yes, it is a common practice for Hamas, but does this give Israeli army the privilege to kill those people? The answer is NO! A nation and government should be build on moral restraint, no matter whether it is facing its own citizens or not. Without those simple conception the government can only be described as cruel and fascist. Since when do you see a police kill the hostage because it is in the hands of a mischief? It is such a basic and simple universal rule that every civilized nation and culture should follow. Israel, however, fails to show those respects as a nation. Besides this, the reason for Israel to strike Gaza is shocking: Israeli army does all those murdering only for three Israeli teenagers who are believed to be murdered by Hamas. According to another wild guess from Israel, Those three teens (Naftali Fraenkel, Eyal Yifrach and Gilad Sahaar) are probably killed by Hamas members. Israel doesn't relieve any further evidence and information to prove its point, and in this situation it is more like a sense of revenge.  

     Many of the counter-claims that support Israel is closely relate to historical issues. According to Jewish history, the Hebrew had stayed in the land around 13th century before they were driven out by the Roman Empire. After that the Arabians settled in and continued what is left. According to the Jewish religion, the God had promised such land to them (Known as the promised land), but after Abraham violated the ten commandments God delayed the date for Jewish people to find their promised land. Many Christian Americans, who share a same Bible, support the state of Israel and says that the words of God may not be established. Such counter-claim is incorrect because the state of Israel is only expanding. Unlike Palestine, Israel has strong alliance and backups including United States of America. It is not the first time to hear our very own president says something like "Israel is our pride and it establishes our very own Democratic value."  In fact, President Obama had selected Rahm Israel Emanuel to be his White House Staff, who had a history of smuggling aids and ammunition to Israel. Rahm Emanuel grew up in a Zionism family, where he had a unique love toward a Jewish state. Besides those scandals, Emanuel had once called Palestine government "totalitarian entities with militias and terrorist acting as democratic". With such stubborn politicians filling the Congress, there is no way United States will not waste taxpayer's money on Israel. Rahm Emanuel is only one of the few powerful politicians who support Israel, and with more and more of such politicians in America the aids for Israel will continue. Palestine, however, has almost no support. Most of its own Arabian nations had either lost during the Arab-Israel war in 1948, or they had abandoned Palestine over the years (refer back to my editorial cartoon). The future of Palestine is only in uncertainty. 

(This picture shows Rahm Emanuel dresses as Jewish tradition and wipe in front of Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, a holy place for both Muslim and Jewish religion. A bodyguard is on the left. Rahm had contributed in the speech in 19, July 2006 where he supported Israel bombing that caused thousands of victim)

      Another counter-claim supports Israel is that it offers peace treaty several times but Hamas breaks the bond. Those claims are only focused on superficial level, when you look deeper into the truth you will find out an answer that is not so pleasant; Since the beginning of first Israel settlement the boarder of Palestine is in decline. The Israel has come up with the settlement plan that only meant to satisfy Zionism. According to the population and land data, the Israel state is composed of more than 70% of the land while its population in 2012 only remains 46%. Palestine, on the other hand, has more than 54% of the population, but its territory remains only 30% or less. Just to imagine yourself living in a crowded area is bad, isn't it? It is under such frustrating situation does the Palestine fight for its survival. The so-called peace treaty is only offered after Israel had conquered almost every land in Palestine that they can imagine. Such action is like modern day imperialism, and yet many western nations and media continue to support Israeli army with funds and ammunition. It is possible to have a solution only when Israel steps back, really offering its warmth toward Palestine. Palestine is extremely likely to become extinct, and it cannot offer anything more than it has.

(This map shows the territory between Israel and Palestine. Notice how the territory for Palestine declined since 1946.) 

   Perhaps the only solution is for Israel to step back and really welcomes Palestine as a true nation. However, the chance for Israel to do this is small. In the next few years the struggle between Palestine and Israel will continue. The religion and cultural difference make the two nations impossible to co-exist. From every aspect, Israel likes to take extreme actions to accomplish its goals. On the issues of Gaza strike, if Israel does all those killing just for three teenager, what do you expect Israel to do when something else happens? Who is actually the terrorist?   



Why does Israel attack Gaza: 
Obama picks pro-Israel (zionism) staff for White House: 
History of Palestine: 


  1. You should actually know that Palestine is under the hand of Hamas and they are the terrorists here, using their people as human shields? well done.

  2. Very well researched, and excellent incorporation of evidence. Continue to work on developing your counter-argument and refutation of the counter-argument. Also, be sure to proofread carefully for grammar/mechanical errors. It might not be a bad idea to utilize the Writing Center for this.
